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《新闻学》因具较强的理论色彩而区别于新闻写作、新闻编辑、新闻摄影摄像等实践较强的基础课程。要有效地提高《新闻学》课程的教学效果,除了需要有针对性地根据课程特点,改革教学方法,重视教学法研究外,教师还需具有较丰富的专业实践经验,结合现实问题和新闻问题讲理论,加强师生互动,激发学生学习兴趣,以达到良好的教学效果和培养高素质学生的时代要求。  相似文献   
As media organizations struggle to remain financially viable, and layoffs become more common, crowdfunding has been championed as one way for journalists to finance new ventures and create work outside of mainstream media. There is a growing body of research that is starting to critically examine the relationship between journalism and crowdfunding. This research, however, has tended to look at journalism as a whole, rather than specific genres. The purpose of this paper is to look at how crowdfunding is being used to create feminist online magazines, online spaces, and freelance journalism to tell stories about women, or aimed at a female-identified audience. It argues that beyond simply wanting to write and produce content the hope is to create change and often the crowdfunding campaigns are positioned as trying to create a “community” and/or a “movement.” This article uses a political economic framework, drawing on the concept of structuration, to analyze how these crowdfunding campaigns are being used to push back against, and open up, mainstream dialogues of what it means to be a woman or female-identified, as well as create safe and open spaces for these conversations.  相似文献   
语言是新闻传播的主要工具。新闻专业应重视新闻语言的教学与研究。新闻语言学属于应用语言学的范畴,应以语用学的理论来研究新闻语言。重视新闻语言的教学,有望提高新闻写作能力。  相似文献   
Social media platforms provide world governments with the opportunity to distribute news content from their broadcast channels directly to foreign publics [Wallerstein, I. (1974). The modern world system. New York: Academic Press] World System Theory, which has successfully explained and predicted the structure of international news flow, is now being challenged. Specifically, these social platforms undermined assumptions regarding the one-way flow of information toward audiences and the exclusive institutional nature of the players in the international system. This study examines the unique case of government-sponsored news media and its international news flow. It finds that while the structure of the international news flow on Twitter exhibits a hierarchical core–periphery structure, non-institutional actors (e.g. bloggers) conformed less than institutional players (e.g. governments and news media) to that structure. This study also found that non-institutional actors assumed the role of bridging news sources and audiences, a role traditionally reserved for a small minority of elite news media. The growing and diversified pool of information mediators resulted in a more fragmented network of news flow, siloed, rather than interconnected. Research findings are synthesized and analyzed in the context of international broadcasting and social media scholarship.  相似文献   
We elaborate on an aspect of photo interviews with children that has so far not been considered sufficiently: Photographs may encourage children to talk about sensitive aspects of family life. The potential and limitations of this aspect are discussed along the lines of visibility and invisibility. Visualisations support children in verbalising their thoughts, but also stimulate narrations on issues that are not displayed. Data are drawn from interviews with fifty 10‐year‐old children who took photographs in their families, and their parents (n = 71). We conclude that visual methods and their combination with a multiple perspectives approach may generate substantial benefits in childhood and family research.  相似文献   
This study investigated the legitimation of journalistic authority in the form of journalism awards. The Environmental Press Awards, an unofficial but highly regarded news competition among Chinese environmental reporters, was selected as a case study. The case was examined from three interconnected dimensions: the creation and maintenance of moral and pragmatic legitimacies; the strategic processes of cognitive and social legitimation; and a dual process of symbolic legitimation of the market media ideology. Research conclusions were formed based on statistical analysis of 181 award submissions and 10 in-depth interviews with key personnel in the host organizations, the journalism community, and environmental non-governmental organizations. By looking into the establishment, dynamics, and results of the awarding process, the alliance between the market media and the green civil society was seen to have created and buttressed the legitimacy of the award. Without the blessing from the party-state, such legitimacy is vulnerable but can also be enabling.  相似文献   
灾难新闻摄影不仅在灾难新闻报道方面具有独特的优势与价值,而且透过对灾难的艺术展现,折射出强烈的人文关怀和现实批判。但对广大受众来讲,过分的灾难展示也会破坏受众的正面认知结构,造成人们在灾难面前良知的泯灭与麻木,因此要把握好灾难新闻图片展示的度,以深刻的人文关怀精神为指针,传递与人类休戚相关的重大灾难信息,以达到激发人类良知的社会伦理教育功能。  相似文献   
修辞作为一种文化现象,能够反映文化各个层面的特殊属性,具体表现在语言、意识形态、文化背景等层面,传达不同的文化内涵;同时,环境新闻作为一种新兴的报道语料,融合价值观、意识形态、文化特性于一体。因此,通过从文化的视角阐释《中国日报》中相关语篇的修辞特点,并分析其中形成的原因,解读其中的文化内涵,有利于读者加强对其所属文化的理解与认识,对提高二语写作水平,具有一定的启发价值。  相似文献   
目前新媒体对新闻采写的冲击主要来自两个方面:媒介融合的加速和移动互联网的崛起。媒介融合要求新闻采写课必须打破过去课程设置过窄、教学方法单一的困境,培养学生跨媒介的思维能力和一专多能的报道技能。移动互联网的崛起要求新闻采写课在培养学生政治敏感、宣传意识的同时,应加大受众意识、服务意识方面的训练,不断增强新闻报道的可读性和公信力;此外采写课还应培养学生在移动互联网上获取信息、创作"微"新闻的能力,为他们将来的新闻报道工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
中华苏维埃共和国成立后,由于各级党政组织的重视,新闻出版事业得到很大的发展.红色新闻事业对革命战争和苏维埃运动有着不可磨灭的伟大功绩,遗留给我们的大量的红色报刊是中国新闻事业的重要遗产和珍贵文献.  相似文献   
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